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Property Condition Reports

Clients, who need to know the condition of existing properties, be it for purchasing, financing or refinancing, or foreclosure, etc., will ask us to prepare a Property Condition Report. Our report will typically include the following but can be tailored to meet our client’s specific needs:

  • A general review of the existing condition of the site, structural, roof, finishes, and MEP components and systems. Any problems or unusual conditions observed during our visit will be noted. More in-depth reviews of these components and systems by specialized consultants can be arranged.
  • A general review of conformance with ADA and FHA requirements, as applicable.
  • Inquiries with local authorities with regard to zoning, building code, and fire code compliance of the subject property.
  • Photos of the property, including problem areas.
  • A list of repairs requiring immediate attention along with their estimated costs.
  • A Capital Reserve Analysis for a specified time frame.

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